miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

Challenges in english

I think my level of english is good, but not enough, because I like to perfect my speaking to can keep a fluid conversation with some English speaking person. Is for that I always try to learn new words or perfect my pronunciation hearing English music or seeing movies without subtitles.

I will like take a course to perfect my english if I could, because I think is a language very useful to know and learn different things, because most of texts and different philosophers and artist wear the english to express their ideas and many times the translators change the concepts.

Learning English not always be something I interested, when I was a child for example, I remember I hated the English class on school and don’t pay attention. Later this changes when I start to hear English music, because I interested know what say’s the bands in their songs, is for that I pay more attention to the words and pronunciation in the music and the movies.

I think if I pay more attention in class after my English would be so much better than now, but this is a thing I only can change practice more now. I take this like a personal challenge because I liked can speak and understand many things without the limitations of my language.

Also I like to travel to some place in Europe, and I know in many of their places the English is the second language and if I know more, I can be in contact on better way with the people and learn more about the countries and culture.

Is true the English is a important language to this times and is for that I liked learn more, is because I try to practice always I can. And that is all folks.

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Near to the end of semester

I think, this year don’t started very well, because the day of celebration of New Year, I had a serie of unfortunate events, but that is a past story. After this, I started the year with my daughter and my mother’s family.

The rest of the summer I stay the most of the time in Santiago and I only went to the beach for a few days with my friends. In that occasion we went to Matanzas, a beach situated nearly of Rancagua. To go all of us, we had to organized putting a fee for eat and for the gasoline and the toll. After this all get in of a mini-van and after two or three hours finally arrived to a little house.

We stay in the beach around five or six days and after have to return to the city. After this I have a week with my daughter in the house of my mom, because she goes to vacation trip with her boyfriend and lend me the keys of her house.

The holidays passed fast and I have to go to university again in March. This semester I have a lot of responsibility because the courses are more demanding that other years.

For that I have less time to do other things, like go out or simply reed or drawing. Fortunately only rest three weeks to winter holidays and I hope do other things like go out, reed other things different of the typical university stuff, draw and sleep more. 

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Simple things to reduce the world pollution

I don’t think very much in what I can recycle or what I can do to contribute to care the planet, but suppose I do some things it might be useful.

Since I was a child my parents teach me to not throw the rubbish to the floor, is for that I always try to find a garbage can when I have some trash and keep it in my pockets meanwhile. Other thing I do a lot is ride my bike to go any site, whit this I contribute to reduce the pollution in the air.

The fact of be vegetarian in some sense also helps to environment, because the big breeding centres or the slaughterhouses spend a lot of energy and consume a big quantity of resourses to keeping work. And obviously reduce the consumption of meat means reduce the murder and unnecessary breeding of animals.

Other thing I do in my daily life to reduce the consumption of energy and resources is try to turn off the lights or equipment when I don’t use. Also I try to take short showers to spend the less water possibly.

Maybe this things not be so great or not make a big difference in a global level, but equally serve and if all the people take a little conscience to do this kind of  things the world be a better place to live not just for the humans also for all the others forms of life.

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

In the frozen poles

I have seen many good documentaries, but if I choose one of them I decided for “Frozen Planet” this is an amazing audiovisual work where you can see the natural life of the polar zones of the Earth, their climates changes and how the life on this sites adapted to extremely conditions.

Frozen Planet is a series of seven episodes documentary co-producer by the BBC and The Open University. In each episode you can see a different topics about a special theme, like the process of the spring, summer, autumn, winter, amongst others.

A point I like very much of this documentaries is the fact of their basically showing all the things without interfere, even the work team almost can’t show along the program, which enables pay totally attention on the nature situations.

I see these documentaries for first time on the TV, in the Discovery Chanel, but I can’t see it all on their occasion, and I try to founded for many time, but I can´t remember the name of the program. Finally I founded all the episodes on internet and I can download and see it all of them.

For all the people to like the nature life I recommended this awesome work, you can see the fantastic process of life in the polar zones of the planet, and the changes that there happened.

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Different ways to see same thing

If I need to choose a book I really liked, the decision would be difficult, because many books mark a stage in my life in a particular moment.

But, I think Demian of Herman Hesse is my favorite book, because with him I learn to question many things, the life in general. Always exist a different way to view and do the things, nothing is only black or white and this is essential to grow up and affront the life.

Many books can make you see another point of view, is for that I like read, because always you can learn new things about the world around you and, of course, of the own world. Demian is about that, discovery yourself to be able understand and change the things.

 Is really important break with the prejudices with the people usually see the world to can understand what happen around you, like the writer says “Who would be born must first destroy a world”.

A work to do sometime

Since a lot of time ago I was thinking in a work that I would like very much doing sometime: I wish go to some place like Africa and make food for the needy people with recycle vegetables.
The great supermarkets throw away a lot of food in good conditions only because don't have a good aspect for sale, and if you clean it well is a great manner to make food with not much money.

I wish do this in a moment of my life, because I think is a great form to contribute a little bit to get better quality of life of the people. Also I think I can know other realities and cultures on this way, a lot of people need this kind of things and I would like very much do something about that.

But, for now, I liked do other things like draw, and if I can, learn to tattooing, because is a thing that appeal to me very much.

miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Chained bear on Iran zoo

The zoos is frequently famous for the exotic animal and for the appreciation of the public, but many times the people forget the quality of the animal's lifes.

Recently an Iran zoo of the Mazandaran province receive a sued for the environmental authorities because they founded a bear to a post whit a chain on he’s neck, on top a poor conditions of many other animals held there.

A member of the department's educational and public participation office, Mohammad Darvish said to the news of Tabnak that Babolsar zoo’s should be closed for the bad conditions of life that many animals suffered here.

The succeed bring to consider a Mahmoud Ahmadinejad government responsible for the move of the bear to the Babolsar zoo on his administration.

A new report of the Iran’s Cultural Heritage News agency (CHN) identified a Gilian province hunters like the responsible of the seized of the bear and hes transfered to the Babolsar zoo. A member of a group of Iranian animal rights, Shahram Amiri Sharifi also said that exist the possibility of the bear has be trained to do show’s in a circus.

The social networks had a numerous critics to this zoo and the poor bear.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

A good time to eat

Well, I don’t really have a favorite food, but if I need choose one, I’m pretty sure I decided for the lasagna.
Since I was a little kid, the Italian food was my favorite, and the lasagna gets a special place in my stomach. I really liked this food because represent a special plate, not the typical crap of all the other days, not, the lasagna is for a few days a year.
Because I don’t eat meat, I used spinach to replace the ground meat. For the rest of ingredients I used the same of typical plate, the result: fantastic vegetarian lasagna.
Eat this plate can be expensive if you go to a restaurant, but prepare on your own home is really cheap. You can buy the ingredients in a fair and prepare your own dough, in addition to be tastier, you have a nice moment making it.

I like very much to preparing this kind of food with friends, because I laugh a lot in the process, and the result is greatest: eating good food, drinking some beers and have a nice time.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

One thing on our minds: traveling

If I can visit any country, I decided for France, because I always been interested in its culture and it’s places.  This country count with a greatest collection of masterpieces of art, included painting and sculptures, counting hug collections of this in many museums. If I manage enter in the Louvre I’m probably be one of the most happiest persons of the world, but first I need to beat the eternal file of people of the entrance.

Because I’m interested in meeting the bohemian life of this country, I would like to visit Paris, the capital of France, to see the lights, the rivers, the bars and, of course, the people.
Also, I’m like to visit other places more rural to know on this way more foods and habits of the common people.

I know that one of this days I will make a travel to this country and meet all the famous cinemas, the giant museums, the good food and many of other things, but for the moment I need to know mor of Chile and other places of America.