miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

One thing on our minds: traveling

If I can visit any country, I decided for France, because I always been interested in its culture and it’s places.  This country count with a greatest collection of masterpieces of art, included painting and sculptures, counting hug collections of this in many museums. If I manage enter in the Louvre I’m probably be one of the most happiest persons of the world, but first I need to beat the eternal file of people of the entrance.

Because I’m interested in meeting the bohemian life of this country, I would like to visit Paris, the capital of France, to see the lights, the rivers, the bars and, of course, the people.
Also, I’m like to visit other places more rural to know on this way more foods and habits of the common people.

I know that one of this days I will make a travel to this country and meet all the famous cinemas, the giant museums, the good food and many of other things, but for the moment I need to know mor of Chile and other places of America.


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