miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Near to the end of semester

I think, this year don’t started very well, because the day of celebration of New Year, I had a serie of unfortunate events, but that is a past story. After this, I started the year with my daughter and my mother’s family.

The rest of the summer I stay the most of the time in Santiago and I only went to the beach for a few days with my friends. In that occasion we went to Matanzas, a beach situated nearly of Rancagua. To go all of us, we had to organized putting a fee for eat and for the gasoline and the toll. After this all get in of a mini-van and after two or three hours finally arrived to a little house.

We stay in the beach around five or six days and after have to return to the city. After this I have a week with my daughter in the house of my mom, because she goes to vacation trip with her boyfriend and lend me the keys of her house.

The holidays passed fast and I have to go to university again in March. This semester I have a lot of responsibility because the courses are more demanding that other years.

For that I have less time to do other things, like go out or simply reed or drawing. Fortunately only rest three weeks to winter holidays and I hope do other things like go out, reed other things different of the typical university stuff, draw and sleep more. 

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