martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Different ways to see same thing

If I need to choose a book I really liked, the decision would be difficult, because many books mark a stage in my life in a particular moment.

But, I think Demian of Herman Hesse is my favorite book, because with him I learn to question many things, the life in general. Always exist a different way to view and do the things, nothing is only black or white and this is essential to grow up and affront the life.

Many books can make you see another point of view, is for that I like read, because always you can learn new things about the world around you and, of course, of the own world. Demian is about that, discovery yourself to be able understand and change the things.

 Is really important break with the prejudices with the people usually see the world to can understand what happen around you, like the writer says “Who would be born must first destroy a world”.

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