miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Chained bear on Iran zoo

The zoos is frequently famous for the exotic animal and for the appreciation of the public, but many times the people forget the quality of the animal's lifes.

Recently an Iran zoo of the Mazandaran province receive a sued for the environmental authorities because they founded a bear to a post whit a chain on he’s neck, on top a poor conditions of many other animals held there.

A member of the department's educational and public participation office, Mohammad Darvish said to the news of Tabnak that Babolsar zoo’s should be closed for the bad conditions of life that many animals suffered here.

The succeed bring to consider a Mahmoud Ahmadinejad government responsible for the move of the bear to the Babolsar zoo on his administration.

A new report of the Iran’s Cultural Heritage News agency (CHN) identified a Gilian province hunters like the responsible of the seized of the bear and hes transfered to the Babolsar zoo. A member of a group of Iranian animal rights, Shahram Amiri Sharifi also said that exist the possibility of the bear has be trained to do show’s in a circus.

The social networks had a numerous critics to this zoo and the poor bear.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

A good time to eat

Well, I don’t really have a favorite food, but if I need choose one, I’m pretty sure I decided for the lasagna.
Since I was a little kid, the Italian food was my favorite, and the lasagna gets a special place in my stomach. I really liked this food because represent a special plate, not the typical crap of all the other days, not, the lasagna is for a few days a year.
Because I don’t eat meat, I used spinach to replace the ground meat. For the rest of ingredients I used the same of typical plate, the result: fantastic vegetarian lasagna.
Eat this plate can be expensive if you go to a restaurant, but prepare on your own home is really cheap. You can buy the ingredients in a fair and prepare your own dough, in addition to be tastier, you have a nice moment making it.

I like very much to preparing this kind of food with friends, because I laugh a lot in the process, and the result is greatest: eating good food, drinking some beers and have a nice time.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

One thing on our minds: traveling

If I can visit any country, I decided for France, because I always been interested in its culture and it’s places.  This country count with a greatest collection of masterpieces of art, included painting and sculptures, counting hug collections of this in many museums. If I manage enter in the Louvre I’m probably be one of the most happiest persons of the world, but first I need to beat the eternal file of people of the entrance.

Because I’m interested in meeting the bohemian life of this country, I would like to visit Paris, the capital of France, to see the lights, the rivers, the bars and, of course, the people.
Also, I’m like to visit other places more rural to know on this way more foods and habits of the common people.

I know that one of this days I will make a travel to this country and meet all the famous cinemas, the giant museums, the good food and many of other things, but for the moment I need to know mor of Chile and other places of America.